#women and Children challenges and solution

Today it make the beginning of 16 Activism campaign against women and children abuse. Let stop abuse against women and children not only for this 16 days but for 365 . Women and children who are abused or you know that they are being abuse lets encourage them to report it to nearest police station and social workers. Let's no keep quite with this matter because our brother's and sister's due of abuse they being killed physical and spiritual. Let's support them after reporting it and encourage them to get counselling.

"South Africa faces a globally unprecedented problem of violence against women and children. With rates of homicide, rape as well as childhood and domestic violence far above those of other countries, the problem of violence is undermining our nation’s economic and social development. The problem is so severe that it affects people from all walks of life regardless of socio-economic status, ethnicity, age and religion. Preventing and reducing levels of violence has been a missing piece in the national transformation agenda. It needs to be addressed vigorously as a national priority."

Let's support 16 days of activism against women and children abuse

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