why you should care about a stolen chicken in Qwa Qwa

My day to day job puts me in many new and exciting situations. It expands the scope of my emotions in that I have more and higher 'highs' and I also have more and lower 'lows'. Sometimes I little thing can eat away at me for days, like Veli's comment that although he likes to eat eggs, he cannot keep chickens, because they will obviously get stolen.
Now I trust Veli that this assumption is probably accurate and indeed buying chickens might be a waste of money, unless you have the intention to involuntarily donate to the 'robbers fund'.
BUt how sad is it that a young guy can't improve his standard of living because of fear of petty criminals. Veli and his family lives in a house made of zink, they can't afford a 3m wall and electric wires with an automatic gate to put around their yard.
My very rich white friends often think they are the real victims of crime. I think wealthy people need to rethink their position pertaining to crime. Who is truly vulnerable? A Rolex might be expensive, but in many ways it is sadder if a chicken gets stolen, a chicken that could have fed a family.
To solve crime, I dont think private security companies in rich suburbs are the solution. If normal people cant keep chickens in Phuthaditjhaba, you will never be safe in your BMW driving in Sandton.
Crime and poverty is linked. To fix it, ordinary people can start to share resources, build friendships and construct better availability of choices to EVERYONE living in Mzansi, our Rainbow Nation.

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Comment by Vishalin Vandiar on July 5, 2010 at 7:57am
True Schalk. We need to take responsibility for each other, Rich or poor. We belong to each other.

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