When will this desperate or 'ambitious' people ever stop destroying for the kids/youth out there. There is nothing foolish than when an older persons who are being hungry for long time and see some kind of the development in the community and come to distract to get attention and thinking he will get the piece of cake which is not there because real development is not about taking the money in the name of the poor or tags or the chest rather be with the people and love them and live with them and learn and help each other to better your own lives. Simply because is not involve which automatically challenges and belittle his pride and laziness title. They never do anything anyway. Theirs is meeting fter meeting after meeting and eating till the stomach and the back grow bigger. On the 10th of April as I landed in Upington, I went straight to the field where I had to train and play the tournament with some of the local friends, which was going extremely well in Paballelo Squatter Camp. And then I went to buy some food and apparently some drunk palookas (they are millions of them out there drunk or not drunk, in fancy house/office or squatter camp) came in a field and beat one of the players who in return gave them a lessons of their live and was strong enough (assisted by his friend) to take one of the weapon they were carrying and hit them. Now when i came back the soccer posts were removed by these drunkards and the youth were left stranded and apparently they wan to build more shacks in that space for their friends. This is not the community is just bunch of individuals with big ego and empty. Is sad that they (these kind of guys and there are also so called academics or intelligent who think and operate this way, destroying the lives of the poor and weak)  are not only in the squatter camp even in the fancy offices or houses of the Sandton's etc. I was deeply hurt when I heard one youth by the name of Shabba saying they are doing this so that place will be clustered with squatter camps so that they can mug us at night. What 's ad is that boy Jury the beaten victim  and his friend William will be going to prison and I dont know for how long. And this fighting is simply tribal and jealous because someone is doing good and someone feel challenged may be he wont be in control. The innocent guilty as usual.

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Comment by Masiphilile Dlamini on April 27, 2011 at 11:15am
I am shocked and typless
Comment by Schalk van Heerden on April 11, 2011 at 10:12am

eish... but in honest sadness, this type of thing seems very 'pabalello-like' ...?


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