When shall we meet again?

In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
When the broken heart is done
When my battle feelings lost or win
That was our love era set of the sun

You can buy gifts but not love
You can lie to others but not to your self
You can have another boyfriend
But he won’t be as humble as me
People can see your beauty
But they don’t know
What type of paint you are

When I think of how
The labour we delight in physics pain
That was so wow
In the ornament of life
Which inform thus to me eyes

Life may sometimes be a rough road
To walk on seems wrong but don’t fed up
Just go on cause when you think you are alone
Look back and you will find me walking alone
Believe me; I will share my love with you

Love is a language
Spoken by everyone
But only understood by a heart
Love is only accessible to lovers
Who put love first?
Some people are not worth
Your time or happiness
They don’t care what you do
Or not do
Love those who love you
Pray for those who hate you

People always look for the cute one
It’s getting to be really tiring having
To answer all the calls and texts
From people who want to be like me

I have tried to sms you
T o say that you are sweet
Good looking and smart
But I can’t do it
Because Angels like me
Are not allowed to lie

When shall we meet again?
That is what I ask my self
When I sore labour’s bath
Because I do repent me of my fury
Of my drenched natures
Because it mock the time fairest show
Wars should drown the wind
Our love is vanishing
And now I’m seeking to augment it

I wish someone can mend my heart
As it always cries silent
With cursed thoughts
I wonder what confounds us
Because it doesn’t
Reply with ‘how goes the night’

If you wanna have excellent coffee
Go to an expensive cafe
If you wanna see someone humble
Sms me later I’m busy

If you were my crush
I would smile at you
If you were my friend
I would love you
But if you were me
Become a star

I don’t know
What is amiss?
That made us to annirelates
That made us dainty of leave taking
So upon a thought
When shall we meet again?


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