what a longest weekend for youthzons!!!

Hi guys
I need to update everyone in the world the I was in Johannesburg with deficient youthzones members n were from different province like KZN,mamelody,Soweto.Upington,Mabopane n limpompo etc. We mart each other for the fest time n we came on thursday 21 of june. On thursday night we were share some jokes we were try to get to know each other n we make a big bond.@ night we went to Schalk's house we take a Barth n I was use his towel what I also experience on thursday there is on room that he tell us to not to go in cause we africa/black we was share one bottle of beer not using glasses he was like we also white like him Thursday night we slept in his house n we slept very well.

Friday morning

We went to the youthzones centre having delicious breakfast together n it was nice after breakfast, youthzones was organizing a. Professor from UNISA a we Lerner a lot from professor about to be a leader he give us some more skills we were disgusting about is affecting our community as we come from different province we get much experience for others n we wrote a test about what professor teach us we really appreciate him for his time n also youthzones for everything they did or us especially SCHALK,DOCTOR,MAVIN(BOBO),MASI,n SIMONS we really thank u guys together we can change this world we can stop crime,drugs,valence,teenage pregnancy,HIV/AIDS n school droppers

ON saturday we was very very tied because from thursday n friday night we was having braying
After break fast we attend a session with youthzones members n we bond together share things that worries us the most n I end up crying because the that were talk about it really touch my heart n sometimes I try to the things that warring my life because of dat bond n openness we made thankx a million to youthzones
After the session we want to sandton we meet bafana bafana legend like lucas hadebe,mark fish,jerry skhosana n mogen gold

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Comment by James kekana on June 26, 2012 at 3:32pm

For sho bro we had a good time so now its up to us to implement the programme and work hard to achive our goals


Comment by Sakhile on June 25, 2012 at 1:48am

Ayanda mpinch ngiyithandile inyama yakho and kunezi skill ozishayile kuze sidlala imatch eSoweto ezing'shayile...ngiyazixenya ngokukwazi ngiphinde ngithembe ikuthi singahlangana futhi mgani

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