I just voted. Luckily the queues were not too long and it went quick, but I was willing to stand there for 3 or 4 hours. 

Our country is a democracy and the most powerful thing we have is the ability for each citizen to make a cross. That is the foundation of everything. If a person does not vote they have no right to complain or to demand.

So, I want to provoke and say there are two groups of South Africans: those citizens who vote and are part of the process and those who do not vote and are spectators. 

I did not vote in two elections when I was young, thinking I was smart or too clever, but I saw the mistake in that. 

When voting we are all equal, whether you drive a BMW or you take a taxi.

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Comment by doctor mabila on May 18, 2011 at 11:17pm

The state of our country can be improved or degraded by participation of the citizens by voting.


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