United we stand divided we fall # Leadership

Its so sad how things turn to be when we are divided  but good when we are united  lets build a foundation that will create a strong empire a youth that wont be shaken but pass legacy to the next generation a youth that when called upon come running and join hands and do things together regardless of gender ,race lets unite and be one it doesn't matter which community you from weather poor or rich but lets unite the poor and the rich and bring a strong hold empire that will not be moved a wall that wont be broken but built in trust and in truth one will say how will i do it hence am poor you only get poor in your mind no one was born poor but we all born with nothing and we will die with out nothing but we can leave a legacy that can be shared from one generation to another as long we are united the rich need the poor the poor need the rich we both need each other lets be one together we can make it change lives and our communities and bring a safe zone for each and every one  

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Comment by Joel Mlauzi on March 2, 2016 at 7:19pm

together we stand strong

Comment by Patson kwinda on March 2, 2016 at 3:05pm

that true we should rich our our minds

Comment by Marvin Baloyi on March 2, 2016 at 2:24pm

Well said And until we stop competing to be at the top or to be seen when we do things, i think we can archive this togetherness, for PRIDE is killing us, killing nations. For someone wants other people to know that they were responsible for that and if it wasn't for them this or that wouldn't be there.


Comment by bobsa navy on March 2, 2016 at 12:11pm

yes we must in rich our minds to make changes in life

Comment by tshepang mapeka on March 2, 2016 at 8:44am

we  a rich in mind no one is poor

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