Hi, people today we living in the democratic country which is nice for all of us more for us( youth,) I am writing this today because I am the one of the youth people who live in free country.

But I am not happy obout our behavous, it is sad to see that more young people are doing wrong things in our defferent communities. it is not good to see a 11 years old (boy) drinking alcohol in the  public or smoking dagga etc its also sad to see 13 year old girl pregnant ( I am not a politician) but this things kills our world and our future generation I am always say we are the future of this country

According to my investigation during the time when we where young they was a plenty of people who where doing good things in our community such as supporting local teams, helping the young people with skills the have leans  during there time, helping young kids with home works and staff, but in this day it seems like says (azilime ziyetsheni) Durring those heroes we were calling them role models. in this days I am asking my self where are does great people

But I am happy because we having youthzones in this country  I hope things will change step by step . We are working hard to change things in our community.

Ke ya re bo ga .

Views: 147


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Comment by Marvin Baloyi on October 20, 2014 at 8:10pm

They say when it rains, plants grow form the ground and brown grass turns green, keep on educating and making people aware of these things, someone will hear you and take what you say, nothing last forever, they may say your stupid but time will tell, after some years people will see a real fool!

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