There is a place for me

There is a special place in life
That needs my humble
A certain job I meant to do
Which no one else can fulfil

The work maybe demanding
And then pay not too good
And yet I wouldn’t change it
For a moment, even if I could

There is a special place in life
A goal I must attain
A dream that I must follow
Because I won’t be back again

There is a mark that i must leave
However small it seems to be
A legacy of love for those
Who follows after me?

There is a special place in life
A little path that bears my name
Awaiting me somewhere

There is a hand that I mu8st hold
A word I must say
A smile I must give
For those who have tears
I must wipe away

There is a special place in life
That I was meant to fill
A special spot I must grow
My role to fill

There is always a tomorrow
And the best is yet to be
And somewhere in this world
I know there is a place for me

By: Siyethemba Dizzmar Thwala

Views: 29


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