The lingering scent of dedication and hardwork...

A new middle school made from containers was organized in the second half of 2011, close to a barren field with long veld grass, big rocks, snakes, rats making up the scenery of what would seem a perfectly hopeless institution of leaning. It has students comprising of youth from honeydew stretching across Cosmo City and Nooitgedacht all the way to Diepsloot, Lion Park and Fourways.

The feeling inside the school was the opposite as we were let in to fulfill our appointments with the head staff, we felt a burdening sense of optimism and hope. The school accommodated us and availed themselves for any ideas we had in mind.

Given the oppurtunity, a youth team effectively took charge of the School Sports: The school participated in their first ever Inter High Athletics Competition against 7 other schools, the athletes practised twice a day arriving at school an hour before it commenced, spending an extra hour after school for more training and even coming back in the late afternoon preparing for excellence.

The results are over-whelming, the team of 30 athletes managed to bag 23 medals (8 gold, 11 silver and 4 bronze), have acquired bragging rights as the top achievers in Cosmo City and now want to train even harder as they now represent the district and will be competing on Friday the 24th of Feb. 


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