"Thank You Youthzone" says Somerset East

This is the message from Bayeni in Somerset East:
The time has come for the Grade 12 to make their mark. The year 2010 was clouded by happy and sad memories. We saw the World Cup lift up peaople's spirit and unity within the country, and continent as a whole. That experience was short-lived though with the Public service strike that dragged forever, needless to say its consequences still haunt us even today.
Despite all this it was then necesseccary for us to reflect back and retrace our steps in preparing for a climatic end of the year. There is nothing befinting as the Matric Exam. It is on this note that i decide to continue on my Matric Outreach programme,despite time not being on my side. The 2010 Matric outreach was more symbolic in its nature. With the support of Blue Crane Hospice and Youth Zones, we visited all the 5 High Schools of Blue Crane. The message delivered was that of Hope and Light. A Devotion "Seeing with your eyes" was shared in all the 5 gatherings. A candle was then donated to the school with the notion that it will be kept lit during the entire exam period. The Candle Light would serve as a symbol of hope and remind the learners not to ive up as there is "light at the end of the tunnel" after all.

I hereby would like to thank the Blue Crane Hospice for their donations with catering, Youth Zones for the financial assistance. I must alo thank a friend, colleugue and fellow Board member (Blue Crane Celtics) Mr. Xolani Brander for availing himself for the visits to Johnson Nqonqoza and Aeroville high. Indeed you put your words of support into action. Also want to relay my sincere gratitude to all the School Principals who welcomed the project without any reservations despite the short notice.

In conclusion would like to appeal to the entire community of Blue Crane to support the Matric learners during this testing time in their lives. Every little effort that we make in support, will definately make a difference. To the matrics remember that we are behind you all the way!!!

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2010 martic outreach Dr Byeni ,RevJean Mr Brander

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