First and for most i will love to thank God for what he is doing in my life through youthzones well at first I didn't understand what youthzones is all about cause all i saw it was sport and i couldn't see where I could fit in but not being afraid to show what i can also do beside sports I shared my little knowledge that i have in ICT and it opened doors for me ,on the first day i visited youth zones offices I helped other leaders in installing softwares like anti virus then on that very Day honestly speaking I was out of place cause all i saw is leaders who where all in sports and i was odd one out but because of not being afraid i shared my knowledge and everyone was happy including Doc and on that day I got a laptop and a cellphone i couldn't believe i was so happy but i couldn't show it but inside i was left with million questions that i wanted to ask more about what Youth Zones is all about but I just kept quite then from there my relationship with Youthzones grew up to now Today with the help of Youth Zones i received a call to go and fetch beds and couches in one of the Furniture Shops in Braamfotein and also received Dairy from Convergence Parteners now am able to manage my time and to schedule my meetings as i write this am sitting on one of the couch i received today now I understand youthzones and i do believe when they say walala wasala and the phrase kuthatha isikhathi and i still believe with what am getting from Youth zones i can also reach out other people who fear to show and share the knowledge they have one can say it needs a strong and fit person to do all this but I say it is the hard-work and not being selfish that can make change in your life with youthzones lives are being changed am the witness of that and i encourage all the leaders and other youths to not sleep those small things like blogging and being active they can change your way of thinking and change other people lives
Last i would like to thank YouthZones and Convergence Parteners and the Furniture Shop
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