At school, university, colleges .... or I can say academic life, we normally go for lessons, tuts or practicals so we can be ready for a test or exam. So is lesson first and then test after. But in life is other way around or vice versa.I saying this continuing from my last blog concerning Helderberg encounter. What we do in life wherever whenever whatever it simply impact someone or I can we plant a particular seed in someone 's life. Sometimes the fruits are positive or sometimes are negative depending on the seed you planted in that individual and also if you teach that person how to mantain it or to water it or you yourself keep watering it. I have learnt so many lessons in my life my life, some coming after failing a test or some failing the test. It doesnt matter how much one knows (theory), how bad or good things have turned out after the test, what matters above all is the effort and believing one can turn things the way one wants it. The world doesnt applaude the knowledge/idea but the effort. Change is not easy but be the change one want to be is very important. Be the change. What one wants to be is very important. My firends lets stand together and make the world better place and we must remember we are all connected. Whatever we do and lets not think of ourselves rather also anout other people next to us.

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Comment by Linda Pistoli on August 2, 2010 at 12:36pm
True and touching Word Mr Mabila....

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