Ten Ethnic Groups Conquering Drakensberg

Fourteen friends (all speaking 10 different SA languages and from different Youthzones sites)  embarked on a hiking trip to the Injisuthi region of the Drakensberg. It was a successful trip and experience never to be forgotten. Many lessons were learnt from the hike of which all of them were related to the daily lives of these leaders in their respective communities. Typical examples of lessons learnt varied from teamwork, communication, never complain, appreciating etc. It was the first time the group hanged out together and it was like they have been together for ages. They also stayed together in Doctor's house for the night before they then visited each other 's communities as part of an ethnic exchange and sharing. The whole experience felt just like a big family being together. Other highlight was seeing Sanele  from Umlazi and Obakeng from Upington visiting Kameeldrift and Mamelodi and hang out with their friends; learning from each other. South Africa and the world can be a better place through such small things- interacting and spending time together. 

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Comment by Schalk van Heerden on February 17, 2014 at 4:12pm

It was awesome and a privilege for me to hike with Mzansi's finest...

Comment by Ayanda Sacred on February 17, 2014 at 12:12pm

What a great trip it was and many revelations  encountered. Non forgetable indeed  

Comment by CYRIL CR7 on February 17, 2014 at 9:35am
Well thanks a lot Doc for letting us know what happened that side, again thanks for taking Dumsani our greatest leader with you. He is a great story teller and is Now turning to be a Sotho because he now speaks Sotho n say " I'm from Lesotho boy" lol nice one team n am also happy to hear him talking on a phone with his fellow leaders.

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