Reasons that I pledge to support and participate in the fight against crime and substance abuse

Good people I would like to take this moment and thank you for your continuous commitment and support in programs that benefits our community and I encourage you to pledge in your community structures.
I here by pledge that I am free ,healthy and happy without drugs especially 'Nyaope' and crime activities.
I am scared and fear that one day my family, friends and relatives may use drugs and get involved in crime activities.
Many people are already using drugs and they will die for no reason because most of them are influenced.
I will holistically fight to win community to engage and participate in the fight against crime and substance abuse.
People that are already using drugs especially Nyaope must be treated with respect so that they can realize the importance of living a healthy lifestyle without drugs.
I will encourage our youth to break the silence of bad or poor healthy lifestyle/behaviour.
I might not be ready to tell other that I have friends that have once used drugs or have not used drugs.
I will tell them when I'm ready but what is important is that life without drugs is a perfect one.
I pledge time,energy and courage to build the community without drugs.
Let us all be health and safety promoters.
Let us all be community safety ambassadors in our community and serve with pride.
I encourage you to pledge and fight against crime and substance abuse.

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