Real Kings fc and Hungry Lions fc friendship

Before youthzones can be introduced in the community of mamelodi this two teams did not think that they will ever meet with each other, on the basis if learning from each other or helping each other.

youthzones came all this was answered when this teams started visiting each other to play against each other and also learning from each other, the friendship started to grow from strength to strength and the players themselves started becoming friends with each other and this is what is needed in building a true rainbow nation to create friends beyond your own racial circle in that way it helps an individual to learn about other cultures.

along the journey something happend in the Hungry lions grounds were one of putco bus knocked one of the goal post we went to putco office in mamelodi to report the case and when we get there we were told to go to the police station to get a certain number when i asked them why do we have to go there they told us that when putco driver damaged a property of an individual the driver has to go report that to the police station before he can report that to the office, we went to the police station and we found that the driver did not report the matter..during all this our friends Real kings fc had extra goal posts we approached them and told them our story without hesitation they gave us the goal post. this showed to me that friendship that is founded on the solid ground will never be shaken and they will never abandon you when they see they can help you.

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Comment by Moses Matlala on February 7, 2015 at 11:25am

united we stand thus devided we fall ...youth zones its for real 

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