........... pointed a gun at me, Real SA

Since I was born I never saw a hole of the gun pointing at me until 09/Jan/2011, 12h56  when a middle aged white chap pointed a gun at us outside on the street in Honey Dew,  Johannesburg.  I hear people complaining or being victims of hijacks, theft etc by black people, but today it was vice versa. I ( and my new colleague Masi) were invited to a celebration party of black child  who got six distinctions from public school after a lengthy strike in 2010. As we went out after the amazing celebration, the driver of the car, I was travelling with had a quarrel with the security guard ( simply because of saying he must get a permission pass by the host) and it was solved there and there. As we parked outside the complex,  while I was advising the driver to respect people under the law, the  white middle aged chap came from nowhere and  pointed a gun while outside to move away. We then called the police and then on their arrival, the white dude returned and claimed he didnt have a gun rather a stick. And the police let him go for free. And I bet if that guy was ...... it should have been attempted murder and be imprisoned. What a shame. Is not over. Where is justice and safety after going to motivate and speak to a POOR BLACK GIRL who got six distinctions from public school.

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Comment by teramai makumbe on January 10, 2011 at 4:04pm
Hey, so unfortunate!!! Very disheartening. So many innocent souls are languishing in prison whilst real criminals walk freely!!! Cry our beloved world!!!
Comment by doctor mabila on January 9, 2011 at 9:46am
After being pointed by a gun, I realize how much anger and hatred,  people are still carrying once they are triggered by small racial attack. I really think we must invest socially in the community to bring all the communities together somehow wherever they are or create discussion/sharing all this not to an extent of pointing guns at each other and violence. Rather learn each other more and learn from each and become friends and family. Simply a gun can be guns and guns can be blood spilling of the innocent souls.

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