I've been in South Africa 3 weeks now and have learned so much in this short space of time. From the beauty and laughter of the wonderful people I meet every day to, unfortunately another darker side of mistrust, jealousy and violence.

I'm going to use this space to talk about the latter on this occasion. I feel it's important that we don't become numb and accept the threat of crime that is present in Joburg. I'm staying in Cosmo City. Last Saturday I recieved a phone call asking for my help. It was an emergency, 2 young men had been stabbed badly in a mugging. I was asked to help as we rushed to the hospital with blood pouring out of them, talking to them, trying to keep them conscious as the battled to live. It was traumatic, I got to bed at 7am after a long night in the hospital. I found that 6 of the 8 boys in the casualty ward were from Cosmo, had all been drinking and had been mugged. Whilst it was unfortunate, we must stop and reflect upon what is important to us... The two I was with were both fathers, one had been suspended that day from work for being late 3 times, he had got drunk and was mad with the world. But he took things too far, even if he was just going to the shop, putting yourself in situations where you are vulnerable when you have such responsibilities is dangerous. Imagine that 4 month old child of his growing up with no father...

So now I don't want us to accept these incidents as normal life, we all need to value each other, our responsibilities, our neighbours, our children and our future, because it can be so bright if you want it to be... You just have to want it.

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Comment by Ayanda Sacred on September 17, 2014 at 7:53am

The problem is that if this is your daily life, you fail to see anything normal other than that, but I agree. we should accept this as normal.

All that one can do is to change them self and hope to influence others 

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