In life is good and very important to have a vision and plan and organize everything in order. It depends how long you take on the planning and organizing. Because in 20 minutes given in our lives, we use 18 minutes talking around the meeting table and 2 minutes on actions hence less work or no work done. And the danger is that most of us who we spend hours and hours planning a meeting by the time we go to the meeting there is no one. Some of us are useless when our mouths are closed because we try to use our mouths to do the work and which is pulling down those who are out there working hard or implementing the ideas. they make things happen. Is so amazing how much this sickness of long meetings full of jealousies, favouritism, egos, anger, pride, corruption, self deception and insecurities, it has spread to grassroot level where nothing end up being done and there was nothing done before. THE WORLD DOESNT APPLAUDES THEORY RATHER EFFORT. Wisdom is not seen only in words (cleverness) rather holistically through actions, behaviour, morals, doing good etc. Easy going people like to hold others back who wants to do things. The best is keep doing good and ignore the shortcomings. Is time to get up and do what is right irrespective. Talk talk talk brings no results. This reminds me of the research was done in States, where so called top geniuses held a seminar how to make money or having successful businesses. They all had brilliant and marvellous ideas how to be rich and have successful businesses. After twenty years they traced the same guys and they found about ten of them committed suicide and five of them are mad and the other five grew poorer. At the end the scientist concluded that the these guys knew how to make and had all the knowledge but they didnt know how to LIVE.

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Comment by teramai makumbe on March 28, 2011 at 5:28pm
Ha, ha, haaaaa!!!
Comment by doctor mabila on March 17, 2011 at 8:10pm
Wisely said
Comment by Schalk van Heerden on March 17, 2011 at 5:03pm

best advice is to keep quiet then people wont know if you are clever or stupid!


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