Two young lads,Filipe Castigo Chigueda and David Sande,  from Manica Youthzones Site in Mozambique had an opportunity of a life time where they went to attend Beyond Football Adidas Workshop in Cape Town where they met other peers (coaches and sports managers) from other countries. . They definitely enjoyed and made friends in Helderberg and Gaansbaai Youthzones sites. As they both said our friends in Lwandle Township, Helderberg, are good guys and girls. That's is good indicator of the relationships we have built in this sites and for external individual saying they are good guys who cares about their community and they felt welcome. It is good to hear that and seeing the youth learning from each other and exchanging information. They had an opportunity  to play a soccer match on artificial turf in Gaansbaai with the other coaches from the rest of the world for Barclays Spaces for Sport and they also played in a well-looked after field of natural grass in Lwandle township where after training we hang out with all the other youths at Lwandle Stadium where there was a braai of LFA. The highlight was when the Mozambicans started dancing and the xhosa lads tried to imitate their dancing style and it was just hilarious.   

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