"Winners Never Quite and Quitters
Never Win”
Don’t judge your future by your
past. There is no reason why you
can’t do the “Impossible” without
realising it, we were being
brainwashed into believing a lie
about who we are and what we
can do. You can’t be more than
what you believe you are. Yet we
have believed the lies and
therefore find it hard to believe the
truth. We have been programmed
like a computer. But one just can’t
delete the programme, as on a
computer. One has to reject the
lies and re-programme one’s
mind with the truth. The truth is
that you are awesome, like an
eagle. Intelligent, beautiful, strong,
resourceful, courageous, tough.
You are able to soar above the
circumstances and achieve
beyond your limits.
Our potential is like a volcano.
Deep within, there lies the ability
and power to do more than even
we can imagine. The sad reality is
that we are limited and don’t
release what is inside of us.
People say all sorts of negative
things to us about what we can
and can’t do. And we believe
them. Authority figures in our lives
have limited us by what they have
said and how they have treated
us. We may spend time with
people that suffocate our potential
by their lack of encouragement
and negativism. These people are
chains that hold us back. The
solution is to limit the time we
spend with them to zero.
Tooth paste has to be squeezed
out of the tube. In a similar way,
potential is released under
pressure. The pressure of
frustration or aspiration for more,
leads to a desire and passion for
improvement, resulting in activity
to bring out what is inside. A kite
only rises against the wind, not
with the wind. It is during the
times of challenge that potential is
released. It is when I became
frustrated with the direction of my
life or circumstances, that a new
desire was born. This lead to the
release of what was inside. It is
only when we have personally
grown to a sufficient level that we
will see opportunities, be able to
face challenges, and take action,
despite the ricks or uncertainties.
You are incredible. The belief that
you are an incredible, valuable and
precious person; what we believe
about ourselves makes the biggest
differences to our
accomplishments. What we can or
can’t do, what we consider
possible or impossible, is rarely a
function of our true capabilities.
It’s more likely a function of our
beliefs about who we are. Believe
that you were born to succeed.
Having a strong success belief,
the belief that you were born to be
successful in every area of your
life. Believing that you can be and
do more. That you still have so
much success in you. That you
have the potential to be happy,
healthy and prosperous. We close
the door of possibility when we
think we can’t. If up until now,
your life has not been a success
story. No matter. Today is a new
day. From today your life can
move in a new direction. Believe
it. This is as important as having
a positive self-image.
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