As people we have plans to make a difference in our lifes, plans for us to succeed, and in the world we live on today we found that chances are so small of you alone making plans on yourself. any plan you do you must think of a person next to you and do things collectively to succeed together - umuntu ngomuntu ngabantu. You start this as a team and on the way when things get tougher some will fall from the "fight". But a good team with its leaders always tries to pull them up to soldier on and those who have lost legs and maybe eyes too will shown the way by those who are still fit (physically)-A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON.


What I am trying to say is: as much as we want to be successful in life, there will be mountains to climb, rivers to cross and wild animals to avoid during the journey. You may try to bring along people with you during the journey and some will be with you through thick and thin but some will pull off and even criticize you in what you are doing when they see things not going accordingly - but if you have a dream a REAL DREAM come storm or cold winds from biggest mountains in the world you need not to stop even sometimes you feel like stopping because of the criticism you get from the people you once shared a dream with and now they have turned their back on you - remember to soldier on as you are about to reach the finish line which is SUCCESS IN LIFE.



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Comment by Marvin Baloyi on August 29, 2013 at 5:03pm
"there will be mountains to climb, rivers to cross and animals to avoid during the journey", wow what an encouragement Otto, yah its true we are who we are today because of others,mmm keep on changing people's lives man, keep on teaching man, you never know what life has to offer. Remember that for everything we do there is a result weather good or bad. Thnx man may God bless you in the name of Jesus.
Comment by TUMI DERRICK MAMADISE on August 29, 2013 at 8:32am
Otto thanx for encourageing words it painfull to backslid by ur team that u put ur trust on them thanx i understand why

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