Growing up in the township as a young boy, whose life has always been to change other people's lives or do good for others, I must say it has not been easy but worth it, due to various reasons, shortcomings, my decision-making, and barriers along the way it's been tough. 

Fast forward, I joined a club in my area so I can keep away from wrongdoings, and it worked. However, being in a club for a few years I realized or picked up a few things that triggered my mind. A lot of our clubs in our townships gather young people so they can keep them away from wrongdoings, which for me is the right thing to do but when a child has decided to join and fully participate. I do not think it is ideal to only rely on that notion of keeping them away from wrongdoings instead I would suggest that we as local coaches or leaders find a mechanism in which we better our structures(clubs/organizations) and give this little once a sense of value and always better their lives on other aspects rather than to only rely on the initial stage which are: soccer/netball and keeping them away from wrongdoing.

Thank you

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