Youthzones, through its website, is launching a Life-Skills Competition. The competition is based on football or netball teams using the Youthzones Life-Skills Menu, which is available online, through email or in hard copy.
On 8 December 2011 a panel from FSSA will evaluate entries and choose 3 winners: The overall winner receives (for their team) R8 000 cash, the runner up receives R4 000. Lastly there is a R2 000 prize exclusively for 'best pictures' of life-skills activities.
The following criteria will be used:
- Only youthzone members are allowed to enter (so your chance of winning is BIG)
- Each person entering has to write down when they performed which life-skills out of the menu, who participated and what did they learn from that specific lesson.
- Scores will comprise: Number of sessions (40%), Photo Evidence (30%), Reflections about sessions and topics (20%), Ideas for next book (10%)
- Notes and photos can be made in the LS Menu, emailed, hand delivered or posted.
- All entries must be submitted once as a whole, not one by one as you do the sessions.
- Entries open 1 July 2011 and close 1 December 2011, judges decision is final.
Thanx to Oasis and GDM for helping with the LS Menu!
Have fun and ask Doc Schalk or Masi if you are not sure of something.
PS: knowing how to win cash is also a life-skill!!!
So start building your evidence file with notes and photos of the sessions you have done!

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