If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, no matter how much or how little natural leadership talent you possess, you need to become a serving leader.Success for the leader is a single victory. However, when the leader experiences success, it becomes a double win.The challenge of leadership is to create change.and facilitate growth.The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him but the number of people he serves.The rewards leaders give are counterbalanced.by the results that their people give in return.The bottom line in leadership isn't how far we.advance ourselves but how far we advance others.A leader with confidence is a leader who brings
out positive changes in people.As a leader, you will never get ahead until your
people are behind you.Leaders who are effective are leaders who are
disciplined in their daily lives.There are five nonnegotiable characteristics that
every effective leader must have: a sense of calling, an ability to communicate creativity in problem solving, generosity, and consistency.A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower
others.The respect that leadership must have requires that one's ethics be without question. A leader not only stays above the line between right and wrong,.he stays well clear of the 'gray areas.Your ultimate goal as a leader should be to work.hard enough and strategically enough that you have
more than enough to give and share with others.As a leader, you don't earn any points for failing.in a noble cause. You don't get credit for being 'right'
as you bring the organization to a halt. Your success is measured by your ability to actually take the
people where they need to go. But you can do that
only if the people first buy into you as a leader.
That's the reality of the Law of Buy-In.

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