Leadership refer to people who are in control of a group or organization as the leader, and there are some qualities makes a person to be a leader which are: hard worker, respect one another, taking responsibilities, good communication skill, creativity, perseverance, goal oriented, lead by an example, positive attitude, problem solver and to resolve conflict. Being a leader is not being a boss, most people are over using their top position to rule and abuse the rights of others, while others use their power to make corruption and it is not the good qualities of leadership.

As the leader you must know that many people's life are in your hand and to have an idea how you will change people's life to the right path.In leadership there are some obstructions some where it can be easy and some where can be difficult. Some of the leaders don't tolerate the difficulties is where they quit but strong leaders don't complain they always find a way to survive the situation or the solution of the problem. 

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