We started on Saturday preparing Nhlakanipho stadium to be beautiful, Mountain United, Dangerous Darkies, Tornardo and Majantja players and coaches came together to clean and draw the lines at the stadium - even our young brothers helped a lot.


Majantja, Real Movers, Mountain United and Dangerous Darkies were soccer teams participating on a top 4 while in netball Tornado, Majantja, Huslters, Phumelela and Mountain United were the teams that took part. Real Movers were crowned champions in soccer and the runner-ups were Majantja and in netball Majantja were crowned champions and runner-ups were Mountain United. Medals and trophies were given to champions and runner-ups, dangerous Darkies and Moutain United were given new kits for the work they have done in the community - congratulations guys  and I was given a trophy for the most recognised participants in the community. After the games and awards refreshments were given to teams and supporters.


I would like to the thank Doctor and Schalk for their support, Mr. Ben and his crew for everything they have done for us, youthzones family for everything (from the start of our league until now......and forever). To sister Lungi and Doctor's wife you are the best - QUEENS OF YOUTHZONES. Intabazwe community for the support we appreciate it, committee members for the work they have done since the beginning. I don't have much words to say but to all the people who made this happen we say - GOD BLESS YOU ALL.


To youthzones family we say be blessed - we love you.


thanks a lot.


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