Many people out there are created for a purpose and some of them have different talents,although they have different talents they don't have a way to reveal them because of the area they living in. People hook themselves with wrong people (friends) and this led to people being gangstars and start commiting crimes and make it their hobby. The reason behind all this is because these people feel lonely and left out,they seem to think that they do not get the attention they seeking for thats why they end up being in Gangstars. As we know that rural areas have lack of infrastructures and theres lot of people in there. Children/people don't commit crime because they want to nor their intention to do so... If theres lack of infrastructures such as,sports field (stadiums),tennis court,netball court,a hall for singers dramas,poetry and comedians etc,how can we be able to show our talents if we don't have enough infrastructures to accommodate all of these activities and hobbies? Can we blame people for not participating in sports? Sports are good to keep people healthy,active and away from drugs,crimes and also make people unite as a family. These infrastructures are highly needed in rural areas especialy for children who don't yet know a thing about drugs and crime. Let these people be given a chance to enhance their talents let them be proud of their talent and the help of you who helped them,let there be enough facilities for people in rural areas to accommodate them as there is in urban areas.

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