'If they can do it, anyone can do it in the world'

Everyday I see us worshipping heroes and heroins who we don't know (through media) and we can easily get discouraged,disarrayed or demotivated once he hear bad thing happened to them or when they do something bad. Obvious they are not perfect and they are still human. But as my friend always say we should be inspired by people we know and relate to, we see them doing miracles if not being one daily in different environments.  Today I received a best gift ever in the post office. The vulnerable youths from New Heaven informal settlement in Upington sent me their first recorded CD called SANANAPO Traditional Group. I am still smiling with joy as I am typing. It is best salary ever after we helped them to record. Just to say this to everyone reading this : these youths are coming from impossible conditions where they still use bucket system. But today they managed to record their own CD. They never begged anyone or walk around looking for sympathy. They love dancing and singing and they work hard under strong leadership of young boy called Kenalimodise and they are about 55 of them. Everyone could witness that they are ready to move forward through their passion and hard work. And you never know who is watching you when you are out there playing soccer, netball, dancing, cleaning the toilet seat, administrating, washing the car. Let us do it with love, joy,hope, passion, hard work, focus, patience, discipline and belief and we never know who is watching. If they can do it, everyone can do it including myself. 

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Comment by doctor mabila on February 18, 2013 at 2:38pm

Hahahahaha, Dankie Booi!

Comment by Ayanda Sacred on February 18, 2013 at 1:56pm
Please Give me a Title so I can blog it, this is the Poem for the Upington Dancers:

Naledi ya matsha Clear a path for me.
As I approach each day please smile at me.
Tally me as I grow and please don't judge me.
Little did I know that on each obstacle you guided me.
Told me "be strong" when I cried you answered me.
Sent your sparkles to my rescue, you honored me.
Raised me to the skies and you shined on me.
Now I'm this spark in the world cause you favored me.
Grateful, I am. But finished I'm not.
Comment by Ayanda Sacred on February 18, 2013 at 1:17pm
Wooow!!! This is true witness of "mamello e tsoala katloho" I'm inspired deeply and feel like writing a praise Poem for guys.

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