IS PLEASURE and honour to have such people that never gives up on you even if you always does mistake they make sure you rise to occasion. I can say am a lucky man in the world to have the likes of doc, why because he is the 1st person to manage the way our coach life, in the past before we meet with youthzones leaders our coach was not nice person when he is upset especially when his team is doing what he teaches from training everyone around could run way but with doc around we now have the will to be around him even others young coaches the have learn a lot from him. if it wasn't youthzones I don't think I be where I am today. since then am free to tell my coach when something is not going okey he guides me and he always want to see me go around the world.
when I go wrong he guides me, when I fall he raise me and when I do something good he compliments not only me but every players feels at home.
so doc is coach sthe father to me and coach is like my father to me and doc become my grand dad. oround them I will never be alone and no one is alone
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