I rather respect 'good values or ethics' in a traditions not superstitions or prejudices

I know this is a strong statement but superstitions, certain rituals, prejudices, divisions, etc is destroying our beautiful continent. 

This is eating me very hard: yesterday my friend's mom, in Eastern Cape in one of the sites where I work, called me his son is being missing for the last three weeks and she doesn't know where he is. I then called him to find out what's happening and he picked up the phone and he said he is in a traditional healer because they want to kill him in his place because of jealous of what he is doing in his community and he shakes when he works or when he is coaching football the seniors or the juniors. I spoke to him to feel that I understand his situation but he doesn't have to live in fear and run away rather face the dragon with faith and keep doing what is right. Everything becomes real and stronger once you give it attention, see and start believing it is the way it is. Superstitions and prejudices, lack of content, lack of identity, lack of life direction, stereotyped unmordenized cultures black or white, insecurity whether individually or countrywide is killing Africa. I see daily ranging from poor or rich or white or black or orange, no matter how one can be with them and create another reality of life somehow they tend to be living their own reality once one has left them but one has to keep the friendship or fellowship going and lead by example to inspire others to be the best of who they are. We have to stop living in fear of any sort. I will support my friend all the way to assist him to live more with courage and lack of fear. As a country we need to create our own culture of good ethics, pride, to work hard and do good but not to look down on each other or pull other down especially in our black community. This guy he is a champion who does a lot of good to his community and we are about to lose him because of his fear of the powerless evil done out there through whoever or whatever. We keep losing these future presidents, singers, soccer player, coaches, doctors into the graveyards and enrich the graveyards not living to their true potential because of fear, divisions, lack of love for one another, insecurities... This is the reality in the rural areas i know it but knowledge can fix this. knowledge in different forms : exposure, learning, external and internal influence. I got so many examples similar but this hit me hard. Solution is in me.

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