Creating a better Mzansi through sport and development
Definitely Facebook or any kind of social media is not a place to address real issues. There is still real life one should live. Social media life can be some sort of illusion. After seeing funny exchanges and hatred over social media I got tempted to share. This will be probably one of my longest post. I am not sharing to change people 's lives or act as a hero. I am just a concerned friend whom there is a possibility of some of my friends might unfriend after this post. Is easy to type any post or spread hatred through social media but is one thing to meet one in real life and even to build.
The biggest war we should fight is racialization if there is such a word. Is so sad that everything in our beloved country if not the world is racialized. Instead of focusing on nation building and social cohesion, we tend to put all our energies in destroying what others built by sacrificing their lives so that we can have a peaceful country. Instead of saying we as South Africa, is always this black, white, yellow, why not South African. Where is Proudly South African vibe?
I am a normal farm boy who was born in a extremely disadvantaged orange farm compound in Tzaneen whereby both my loving parents were just normal farm workers. In a young age at the farm, I saw us black people killing each other for R5, I had to carry dead bodies whereby someone was stabbed for traditional beer or girls. I saw the neighboring farmers, Du Toit family, who were elders brutally murdered. I saw my dad and friends being racial abused by farm owners. I saw white cops harassing us and we ran to the bushes every time we come. I saw some black going to steal from neighboring farms and everyone kept quiet and even buy the items. I was rejected by farm owners to play with their kids and they called me names, at the same time I was rejected in the township because I didn't have shoes or I was wearing shorts daily even in my high school, I was called Plaas Jaapie or farm idiot. I saw Mozambicans being mistreated by local black South Africans. I saw mothers in the compounds selling some of my friends who are girls to black industrial workers in town for a case of beer or fridge. I saw young boys forced to work at the farms by their parents and owners. I lost beautiful Jennifer's, Olga's, Sheilla's and even the guys Donald's, Elvis', Finini etc even though I tried to convince them to finish school so we can together with our families get out of those environment. My only own sister left school and started working in the farms. My family was part of farm eviction. Just finished building my family a house last year. I am not saying Apartheid, racism, farm murdering, colonialism, exploitation, crime is right. Out of all this experience, I took the good and left the bad. I also tend to look or address both side that is not only the victim who needs help, is more offender who needs more assistance. Is not only the oppressed needs assistance, but also the oppressor. There is a thin line between the two. They are two sides of the coin but they are still part of the coin. One side a ails its behavior or features depending how it was spinned. Is easy to be spinned or react emotionally depending on what happened to you and your surrounding. Either of the side can need love/respect or forgiveness. We can be in both sides but we are still part of the coin. We are South Africans. We are human race.
Is easy to hate, to blame, to destroy but it takes more energy, brains, discipline, pride to build. I made decision through my experiences while young that I will rather build than destroying. I didn't do things out of guilty or fear or being patronized. I could have easily being farm murderer, racist, criminal with no shoes after suffering many rejections, racism, violence, extreme poverty. I chose to become a guy who will inspire other poor hence I even went to do medicine in UCT and play pro soccer from this impossible environment. I chose to love everyone, I chose to build. Hence I got lucky to do the work I am currently doing at the moment which suits my lifestyle. Building the nation in a minor way. I even have friends from every race, different nations. I have seen the good and bad from any race you want to mention.
Here is the last side of the story, we are busy blaming or complaining WHILE our education standard is a disgrace, people can't read, kids are looking forward to party not to read or learn, corruption is extreme, there is no excellence, pride, the poor are becoming poorer, the rich are getting richer and educated, dependency is growing, the country is running on charity basis making the poor more poorer, where are the ethics of you earn your living, hard work pays off, kids must play or learn from their parents, no entitlement, you get fired if you don't perform.
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