Normally when one works, the major objective is to achieve the goals.There should be a result as an interest, since we live under the base of money which's in the form of Transaction Motive( Cash in liquid state ) and Asset Motive (Bank deposits-Cheques etc ). HUSTLE FOR CASH significantly are challenges to struggle along and surcrifies in order to obtain finance for sustainibility. A Township beggins as a Growthpoint where certain methods of Entrepreneurship are occured and various jobs are created.

Implimentation of Entrepreneurship in a Township enhence creation of more jobs, thereby improving development , thus a reduction of poverty will be pronounced as an effect. An increament of Infrustructure, a high range of Trade- goods an services will now establish  and stabilise a convinient high starndard of life. The Township can later be modified to a significant Town then a City. One gets and deserve as much as he works for pertaining to his capability and being competent in the life of competition accordind to starndard and classification of quality.

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