Greetings to you all Youthzones family. My name is Anesu Kazembe. I am 23 years old and am from Mutare in Zimbabwe. I would like to share with you what I learned recently about how to write a blog. I will write in point form;


1. Find your focus.

First ask yourself: Who are your target readers? Once that’s settled, you can start writing.

2. Be relatable, be yourself.

Let your readers get to know you. Your content is what draws them in while your personality, or your voice in writing is what will keep them there.

3. Use links within your posts.

Whether you are linking to other blogs or websites that contain great information or linking to past posts on your own site, do it whenever you can. This will help increase your clicks.

4. Include images (pictures).

While readers come to your blog for information and personality, they also need to be stimulated visually. Not all posts will lend themselves to an image, but when they do, take advantage of it.

5. Respond to blog comments.

This is an opportunity to connect directly with the people who are reading your work. Not all comments need a response, but be sure to respond to ones that do. And sometimes it’s worth just popping on and posting “Thanks for reading my blog.”

6. Post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Anywhere Else You Can.

Don’t be afraid to use social media to tout your posts. Anything that makes it easier for potential readers to find your blog is a must (and friends and family definitely qualify as potential readers).

7. Limit your word count.

If you have something to say, say it. Blogs need not be very long. This doesn’t mean you can’t feature shorter pieces or that you should ramble on just to meet a word count, but don’t be afraid to break down antiquated perceptions that blogs need to be short. When the time is right, go long.

8. Avoid making grammar and spelling mistakes.

If you do, correct them immediately. People on the Web tend to be more lenient about typos, so don’t stress about it if you do make a mistake. But correct it as soon as you can. Remember, if you ever want readers to take you seriously, you have to take yourself (and your blog) seriously. Give it the professional quality it deserves.


I hope this will be helpful to this great family.


Thank you in advance for reading my blog!!


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Comment by Denice Bongani Maphanga on November 22, 2015 at 10:25am
Awesome words

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