Motivation is a very powerful and studies have show that motivation is more important than intelligence and ability in determining success, No one, however, can motivate you but yourself.

Limit distraction by creating a space that allow you to concentrate while you work. It is easy to lose motivation if you are tempted to do other things. Focus on achievment. Can you think back to when you achieved something? How did it feel? How will you feel if you can achieve again?

Find something of interest in your studies. If you start to enjoy what you are learning about, you will do better at it. Spend at least an hour a day empowering yourself. This can be achieved by reading good books, listen to inspiring messages and finding inspirational quotes.

It is important to push yourself to succeed. It will make rewards much better. Don't put of till tomorrow what you can do today! The longer you avoid doing something, the harder it will be to get it done. Do the hardest and most boring things first and get them out of the way.

A bit of competition can be a great motivator. Start a study contest with your friends. Dream about your future. What do you need to get there? If you really want something badly enough, you will have to work hard and get there.

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