#Power and Grab it through sports.
Sports has changed my life in a different way and through sports I have developed a positive self power and my thinking ability. Sports it has helped me to differentiate between negative behaviour and positive behaviour and it always bring the best out of me and keep me moving forward. As I learn through sports bi can realize my mistakes easily and able to come up with immediate solutions. I am becoming a better person because I am currently living a healthy lifestyle and I'm holistically fighting to balance my life through sports. During my sports activities, mistakes become opportunities to replace negative views of who I am with positive options for personal enhancement. I am recognizing the truth, in situations and in myself. Sports it has created me a platform with different people and I can easily engage. I have participated mostly in indegenous games and as a player and coach but except that I have coordinated different sports activities in my communities and attended several workshops and courses in sports and with that I'm well known by my communities.
With few awards I have received I feel honoured and keeps me motivated.If you don't have the power you can't grab it but through sports you will grab it.
Naka njani,
# power and grab it

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