First of all I would like to thank the above mentioned people and companies for the good work they are putting in our communities and individuals and the everyday smiles and glows they put in our faces.

I met Doc and Schalk last year but it feels like its been many years we have known each other and I really bless the day we met because that is when my life changed. We met through soccer and I remember the first time they came to my sports ground we all wondered who was that mlungu and that body builder dakie nd what they where doing here but with their good approach and manner they asked if one of them can train with us as another one was going somewhere and we all as a team agreed that that is not a problem and schalk trained with us nd Doc asked if there was one who could keep schalk company after training and I agreed to do that and the rest was history. I and my team where very and still fortunate to have met such people who changes lives of youths into possibility. Today they have been providing us with soccer equipments and necessary things which are based on soccer development and basic information such as computer skills, life skills and learnerships and student assistance. I am very proud to annouce that I am a beneficiary of Youthzones and Xstrata under the wings of Mr Doctor Mabila and his troops. I am now owning my business(internet cafe) and enrolling for my last outstanding module at the University of Johannesburg thanks to their help. My advice to everybody is to work hard because opportunities come unexpected and blind folded so its up to u how u grab them nd make most of them. I advice everyone to keep on doing what they are doing and rewards shall come in bulk and unexpectedly. Good things and genuine are patiently coming so continue with the good you are doing and the rest shall follow believe you me.

Always thank the people who helped you because they are the one who u cannot compete with.

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Comment by Maitse Otto Twala on February 12, 2014 at 12:13pm
What you say brother is true, those guys do change the communities....the only thing that we dont understand as people is that we have to work hard and be patient as opportunuties come to those who wait and work hard as well.....just lik you

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