its sad that HIV/AIDS its stilling growing rapid in africa cause of ignorance ,poverty and other peer activities among our youth in Africa ,Today is the world  aids awareness day where the world is trying to make a wake up call to those who are affected and also died of the killer disease of which it is said there is no cure yet but there have developed medicine that can boost the immune system that can help leave long with the disease ,let us take this day as a day to be responsible and know our status so we can help minimize the spread   of the virus lets have programs at school that teach about sex and how to control sexual feelings and using of condoms cause we can not run away from the fact that sex has become something that our youth brag about and explore themselves in social networks to get attention leading them in get risk from sugar daddy and sugar mums taking advantage of the situation in bribing the youth with expensive gifts and luxury live making them to have unprotected sex lets raise and say no and say yes to education and empowering the community in life skills that will give them better tomorrow give them something to occupy them and make them start to use social networks not to advertise their body to become (felebs )but to have positive attitude and share good ideas and new life adventures our youth our tomorrow if they die at young age who will look after the  old what will the old age do with the children that are left behind by parents who die of HIV/AIDS let this day be not only the day that we become awe lets be always be awe and continue the awareness programs special in less privilege communities # HIV/AIDS

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