Indeed different people are celebrating this day and of course we should. While we are celebrating please let us dig deeper and find out that what is it that we have inherited because the word heritage is broad and it should be well understood. I'm gladbthat today we are wearing different atires to should our culture. Why must we always celebrate this important days only on the marked calendar days? I know is always a challenge but if we can start practicing to celebrate such days every day we will be reach in our minds and soul. Please let us teach one another and dig deeper to deepen our understanding on this day.
If indeed we understand this why others are not wearing their cultural regalia,instead they are wearing other cultural clothes than theirs.
Let us come together and unite and make this an everyday habit. It shows that we all have our own history because we all practice different cultures.
'A re ruteng bana ditaola re seye natjo badimong'
Halalaaaa Ma Afrika....

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