
These word sound simple and nice to speak. But are we all the members of the YZ hard-workers, what makes you think you are the hard-worker. Answer the following questions and rate your self from 1 to 10 as a hard worker.


1. Who are you?

2. What have you done?

3. What have you achieved?

4. Why have you done that?

5. Who is benefiting from your hard-works?

6. Are your works acknowledged by people around you and your community?

7. What is your current involvement or interaction with the community?

8. If you are shining through Mzanzi are you also shining in your community?

9. When last did you sit down with people and share some meals, ideas and knowledge?

10. What are your future plan for your community?


While we are reflecting in our communities we come across some criticism which can sometimes make us lose hope and interest in what we are doing. Note that Jesus Christ was doing a good job, he was criticised and crucified on a Calvary. People who are menace to our community are considered as hero cause are going around with big guns and threatening people's life's. 

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