hey champ we just wanted to tell you that young killers has lost a player/coach by the name of walter,we only heard today about the loss and thougth we should also let you know about the sad news here is his photo if you don't remember the name.




Eeeeish! I know him very well, champ. I remember trying to encourage him to play soccer again ( which he loved with all his heart and he will follow whatever I am trying to do). He was scared that he will get leg or arm broken and I showed him my twice broken left arm and still playing. I gave him an example of someone if getting a car accident do you stop driving or do you continue.

Things happens in this to anyone, anywhere, anytime and we cant even understand ourselves why they happen. Please let us support the family as a team. And when is the funeral? If I am round I will definitely make time to come. He was a good kid, always inquisitive and laughing and loved jokes. Please greet all the lads.

Re kaofela


Hi guys, in remembrance, I posted Walter's picture on the site, arms outstretched, while the sun is setting.


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Comment by teramai makumbe on October 26, 2010 at 7:37pm
Very sad loss, hey!! May his soul rest in peace. Sorry guy.

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