Gays and lesbians view in my community # LGBT

Hi everyone

My community is in South Africa and we may not all know this but South Africa is the leader in the world of equality, enjoying an all exclusive constitution, where same sex-marriage is legal and discrimination against LGBT people outlawed. However that has not stopped homophobia and fear to embrace LGBT South Africans as fully equal.  Look every community have gays and lesbians but what I realised in my community is that most of the lesbians are in soccer, they are playing ladies soccer and it seems as if playing ladies soccer they have to be all Portia Modise. No it doesn't have to be like that, sometimes what I noticed is our girls always walking in groups doing all unholy things, which is drinking alcohol and taking some smoke and they loose their mind. but most they are hiding this to their families some parents end up excepting this kind of relationship. All this is legalised in our country though is unholy, gays are hard to find in my community and is hard to find them in the sports grounds and I'm not sure why they don't come to the filed or maybe they don't want to remember their real gender or they might discover them themselves as males. I only see them in parties and funerals.

concluding this in my community lesbians are increasing than gays in, most of you will agree with me when I say most of these ladies changed their walk and the way they talk because bit by bit they are changing from FEMALE tO MALE. some gays out there are even tying the knot but never in my community and I wish not to see that, check the pictures below.LEVITICUS 18: 22-23

  You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.


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