Gays and lesbian views in my community #lgbt

The Truth About Homosexuality
And Christianity

Merely putting the words homosexuality and
Christianity together equals controversy. Many
claim that homosexuality equals filth, sin,
immorality, and so one can never, or is not
allowed to identify as a Christian homosexual,
in fact that there is no such thing.
Clearly there are certain texts in the Christian
scriptures that have over the years been used
to condemn homosexuality, and a large
percentage of the world’s population being
Christian has made things indeed difficult for
LGBT persons who often suffer condemnation
from people who identify as Christians on the
basis of their sexual orientation.
Christianity has been widely condemned by
pro-LGBT activists, for its exclusion, isolation
and it’s preaching of doom and messages of
hell awaiting LGBT people at the very end of
their lives.
Many has gone ahead to set up LGBT friendly
Christian organizations with the aim of
restoring hope and tolerance to members of
the LGBT Community. Yet, many still feel and
think that this is not enough as they look to a
worldwide acceptance, from mainstream
religious organizations.
Many has given up on Christianity entirely, as
they think/feel that the Christian God, has
completely abandoned them, and is no longer
interested in their affairs.

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