Gays and lesbian views in my community #lgbt

Reasons Why You Hate And
Should Not Hate Homosexuals!

Online and in the media, I have seen 2 very
passionate groups when it comes to gays and
lesbians(for the rest of the article, gays/
lesbians/homosexuals would include bisexuals
too) – those who support them and those
who don’t. I see a lot of passion involved in
the debate over whether they are good or bad,
whether homosexuality(and bisexuality) is
wrong or not.
What I find intriguing is why is this so
important to us?
Personally, I don’t have any interest in finding
out anyone’s sexual preferences. Even if I
come to know that someone I know or work
with is homosexual, I don’t see how it affects
our working together.
Why do you think this is an important
question? I find this difficult to understand. If
you feel this is important, do let the rest of us
know your reasons in comments below and
enlighten us.
Below, I am discussing my ideas about some
of the common reasons I have heard why
people think homosexuals and/or
homosexuality is bad.

It is unnatural, against the laws of
nature. This is probably the most oft
quoted reason. Some feel that heterosex,
that can produce babies, is the only
natural way to have sex. I wonder how did
you come to this conclusion? How do you
define ‘natural’?
The way I see it, natural is what comes to
someone without force or suggestion, what
Maslow would have called a ‘Primary need’. If
the drive to have sex with people of the same
gender comes to someone, without having
been forced into it or told to do so, it is
probably natural.

God did not make man to be this way. My
question to you again is – ‘Are you sure?’
Maybe your religious books say so, but
again, were they really written by God?
Did God, or Nature, write it in front of
your very eyes?
You are just believing in heresay, something
you have heard from others. Those others also
seem to have heard it from yet others. Most
people don’t usually question what their
religion and culture tells them, because, as
Mahesh Bhatt said in a recent tweet, it will
threaten their sense of security.
There is a post I wrote – Does religion really
help , you might want to read that.
I have seen that most people, unconciously,
have 2 views about what is natural :
Natural is what majority thinks. The search for
security often makes people stay with the
majority. The parameter of what is true, what
is morally right, for most people, is what the
majority thinks.
If you think natural is what the majority thinks,
I have some food for thought for you –
The majority Christian view a few centuries
ago was that Earth is the center of the
The majority view among Hindu’s till less than
a century ago, was that crossing seas is
immoral. Gandhi ji was outcasted when he
first sailed to England.
Majority view in some parts of the world is
that you have to kill those who have different
faiths, for a better world.
Natural is what the majority does. In this
particular case, some might say that natural is
what the majority does. So, since the majority
is heterosexual, it must be the natural thing.
You have to remember here that the majority
also is right handed, that doesn’t make left
handed people bad. Majority probably likes
sweet foods. That doesn’t make those, who
like salty food, bad. Majority probably eats
non-vegetarian that doesn’t….

Homosexuals are mentally ill, they can
cause harm… They might have been
abused as children or they are the
product of dysfunctional families. Maybe
they have a tendency to abuse others.
They may be hetro phobic. They fear the
opposite sex…
This just sounds like a fearful response to
something people are not sure of. We are
used to things being a certain way. When
something comes up that we can’t
understand, the quickest way to feel safe
again is to label it as good or bad as soon as
possible. I think, to some extent at least, this
response also shows a certain amount of envy
towards those who are showing the courage
to challenge rules that don’t make them
happy. To rise and speak out your will, when it
goes against the flow of majority, requires
courage. Most people know that this is the
right way to do things but lack the courage to
do it. How many of us question laid down
rules when we don’t like them? Ask yourself,
did you ever question the ideas of God,
religion, marriage, monogamy, national pride
How do you think gays and lesbians can harm
What is the worst that can happen if someone
close to you, maybe a friend, turns out to be a
gay or a lesbian? Maybe he/she will show
interest in you. Won’t you be able to just
refuse and carry on? What do you do when
someone of the opposite sex shows interest
in you and you don’t want to accept? It may
feel uncomfortable to you. But then that is a
problem YOU have, not them. They are just
expressing their feelings politely.
Are you afraid of soicial ridicule and
ostracization? Are you afraid what will people
say ? There are better ways to live than just
trying to conform to society, and they don’t
necessarily include being constantly at war
with it.
Do you think homosexuals are going to jump
on you or attack you? That is just paranoia!
The same that a lot of people in the Western
world once had against Blacks, that high
castes in Indian society have had against low
castes, that my mother has against
Ask yourself these questions – How many
homosexuals have you really met? How many
of them you know closely? How many of them
act in a way that shows mentally unstablility,
apart from their sexualy preferences? How
many of them have been declared by certified
doctors as mentally ill? Do you feel so
strongly repulsed by other mentally ill people?

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