it wasn't always this way. believe it or not, I was one of those people who was always terrified of growing old and time passing me by. not only did I fear losing my youthful appearance with age but I also dreaded the coming of each day. I felt time was flying by all too quickly and I would never be able to do all the things I wanted to before I grew old. the thought of becoming a bothersome burden, all bitter and wrinkled with nothing to do all day was a frightening thought. these fearful thoughts occupied my mind for most of the days during my youth. what a silly fool I was. YOUTHZONES COME TO MY RESCURE. 10 SEPTEMBER 2015 THE DAY I WILL NOT FORGET IN MY LIFE. COACH STHE SAID TO ME. BARTHEZ YOU MUST REALLY SHOW CHANGE THIS TIME WORK HARDED THAN BEFORE.

I had painted the most awful picture of old age, turning a natural process of life into nightmare. now I look back on all the years I wasted worrying about and fearing the inevitable. I may be retired, grey and have wrinkles, but so do all my friends and none of us feel particularly old. if anything i'm happier now than I have ever been and I have just as much fun as I ever did. if there is one thing I have learnt in this life, it is that age has nothing to do with anything. I can still do anything I want to and believe me, I still plan to do a lot in my family, team, and the community and mzansi.

if I could go back and change one major thing in my life, it would be to eliminate my fear of growing old and time passing me by. I wish that I had spent my younger years feeding my mind on more constructive thoughts, which would have made my life a lot more fun. I also would have welcomed and enjoyed birthdays, instead of awaiting them with frightful anticipation. yes, if I could go back I would definitely have squashed my fear, making sure that I made best of every second in my life.

there are s many of us that fear growing old and time passing us by. we try everything from clothing, creams and operation to keep from looking old. but growing old is natural as life itself. we have to realize that no matter who we are, how much money we have or how beautiful and famous we may be, we are going to be old. so why not accept it and enjoy our stay.     

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