Hi sweet family. How do you deal with the issue of adicts. One of my boys was doing wheet and alcohol behind the team's back now his addiction has irritated some of the guys in the team because he borrow their money for his cravings and fail to pay back. They come and disclosed it to us the coach, we tried to talk to him together with the team he said that he will stop. We noticed that he is still doing it, we went to his parents to alert the they shown no interest in talking to him and defended him. So he went on and even change the team as his friends join another group of youthinalcohol. He was suspended from the team. He came back last week to apologize and promised that he will be a good boy i was impressed thinking that he has his senses back. Saturday after the game group of boys came to call me to witnessit myself. I caught him red handed with hunters dry and cigarette in his hand. I fired him from the team for good. Any advise family. Thats why i call it family matter.

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