Everybody do their few minutes on Mandela Day which like lead SA might be cute, or is it just a way for things to stay as they are with some legitimation added to the story? The Madiba everyone celebrates asked for an ideal where "all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities". We like the idea of harmony and no crime, but what are we doing about 'equal opportunities'? I watched Carte Blanche about poor black youths attacking whites who do mountain biking. Now, I NEVER condone crime or violence, but the story made me wonder, these kids, from SA, Zim and Moz who steal, did they, when they were 6 or 18 years old have the same opportunities that the kids of these parents (who drive R30 000 bicycles for fun) had? I help poor people and was still once robbed at gunpoint. Its ok. Since unless kids at least until 18 get the same education, love and opportunities, whites should not be surprised by crime...

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Comment by doctor mabila on August 8, 2011 at 10:07am
It is very sad to hear about the attacks. It is very important to share in life rather than building big walls for security to block our neighbours and building higher and higher to be far from the grounded people and look down on people on our fancy balconies. Why don't we break those separating walls, come down from those skyscrapers or invite them in our houses and make friends with our neighbours and know each other and help if he is poor, is just common sense. That's the common sense. Schallie, greed and selfishness destroyed us human beings. We create our own crime by making others to feel worthless and hopeless and while we becoming more egocentric and rich. Obvious those who are in your surroundings and poor will do anything for survival. Rich people and the current government stand together and communicate to solve the problem. Most  public officials still blames apartheid and rich point fingers or blames or complain about the government. Bringing us to nowhere. And the victims are the poor like this youth who don't have choices to choose from and are hopeless. There are walls around them in their lives. It is also for the benefit of the citizens to see the reality of SA out there and where our country is heading on Carte Blanche. What is sad is that the same youth won't be able to see the same program on TV because they don't have the TV and they wont see how it affects the country. And the same it create the bigger gap and rivalry between the rich and the poor rather than focusing on the solutions. And what is sad it also creates generalization about us young black males by the rich individuals. Till we stand together and become friends and forgive each other, nothing will happen.
Comment by Schalk van Heerden on August 8, 2011 at 7:27am
I wrote this, like Steve Biko would advise, as a white, for my white brothers and sisters to think about...

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