Entrepreneurship is a story of brave people who chose to fight

Entrepreneurship is a story of brave people who chose to fight

We each must decide the race we want to run as an Entrepreneur. And then choose to run it with all our energy, strength, perseverance, and an attitude of “I will run this race to the best of my ability, intelligence, and skill.” We each must come to the conclusion that no race is ever over until we quit running. It’s only when we quite that we fail. True Entrepreneurs see themselves as a commodity that is available to the open market. What does this really mean? They are not satisfied with bureaucracy and keeping up with the status quo. They are constantly looking for change and growth. Entrepreneurs are people who have harnessed the power of creativity. They constantly see things in a different light and through different shaded glasses.

Being an Entrepreneur is hard work, that being said, it isn't an easy path. Especially in a culture that doesn't understand or value it. When it comes to increasing your Entrepreneurial skills, you'll inevitably come up against obstacles that will push you to either bear down and fight through or give up. How you respond to those obstacles will set the course for whether you live a rich life or a poor one. In all my years, I've never met a rich person that hasn't lost money. But I've met a lot of poor people who have never lost a cent, this should tell you something. Now to us Entrepreneurship is a story of brave people who chose to fight, even when there wasn't any hope of winning. They chose to die instead of surrendering. Take a failure and turned it into inspiration rather than defeat. The formula for all winners "is that failure inspires them to become winners because they learn from their failures." Nobody does anything great without failing. To put it straight forward my friend, “Winners, losing inspires them. For loses, losing defeats them.” Entrepreneurs who are afraid to lose never take the field, and when they do, they play not to lose rather than to win. Unfortunately, they rarely win. Entrepreneurs who hate losing take the field and play to win. When they do lose, they use it as inspiration to get better. It's that attitude that makes them champions. So our advice is “If you want to be rich, stop playing not to lose and start playing to win.”

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