HI everyone, hope your all fine like us. We would like to have a conversesion with everyone who is willing to share there ideas. So the Topic is EDUCATION RELATED TO POVERTY AND WEALTHY. Does Poverty or Wealthy have a negative or a positive impact to a child's or learners education?, what do you think?. It is said that Education is the key to Success, but are those who are from disadvantaged famalies encouraged to take the level of their studies to another level?, what about those who are coming from wealthy families do they take education seriously?.

Show your support by commenting, sharing your ideas. Dont undermine yourself your are an important creature that's why your still alive today, just imagine you get to Heaven and they show you a bundle of books, and they say to you you were supposed to have written all these books and by doing that you would have saved the lives of whom and whom and whom, so give me ten reasons why i mustn't sent you to HELL!. Some of you might have experienced what we are talking about, or you know someone who have experienced this, so please dont keep that advice in your heart, let your ideas be heard. Thanks

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Comment by Maitse Otto Twala on August 6, 2013 at 8:47am

Tumi, I come from a disadvantaged family too, and most of my friends were better than me, I used to wear shorts (for the whole year), with only 1 pair of shoes - only for to go to school. But none of them has obtained a grade 12 certificate (I am not proud about it though) and some are in prison and others are in drugs. But because my mom (she trop out of school because her mother became blind) was always pushing me to study hard and telling me how education can change my life. But today I am proud to say I have a diploma in public management due to commitment and dedication. my mom was a domestic worker earning around R450 a month but because she was positive about education here I am. So what I am saying Tumi is - BAHALE BA TSWA MAROLENG. ITS A FACT  

Comment by Marvin Baloyi on August 5, 2013 at 10:19pm
Otto thats true man, what an advice. I also believe that if the family
is positive about Education its obvious that their going to do their best
to ensure that their child goes to school. I think the negative impact of coming
from a disadvantaged family is the lack of resources and or materials.
But dedication is a way to success no matter what, if one is serious and commit
him self to whatever he/she is doing that person is going to succeed no matter.
Comment by TUMI DERRICK MAMADISE on August 5, 2013 at 9:08pm
The key factor is parent and Company MAITSE
Comment by TUMI DERRICK MAMADISE on August 5, 2013 at 9:05pm
Maitse what about those who make it and many of them they say they come from disadvantage family
Comment by Maitse Otto Twala on August 5, 2013 at 8:51am

I think they have an impact, like when a kid that come from poor family who is unable to watch educational programs and when it comes to the class it becomes difficult for him. He cant even have a magazine where he can cut pictures for a class project. As for a kid that comes from a wealthy family everything is easy for him, but it also depend on the attitude of the families if they ARE POSITIVE ABOUT LIFE THAT WILL POOR DOWN TO THE KIDS no matter the situation he push hard to be what he wants to be, and need to remember that most of successful people out there come from poor families - the question is how do they do it? while their wealthy friends are spending they parent in drugs and other things. DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT IS THE KEY, AND PARENTS ALSO HAVE TO PLAY THEIR ROLE NO MATTER THE SITUATION

Comment by MOHLALA KLAAS on August 4, 2013 at 10:27am

dss very important msge for us 

Comment by TUMI DERRICK MAMADISE on August 4, 2013 at 7:54am
Hi everyone i think poverty and wealthy it does not take part is only individual seriousness and a if i fail i will look something to blame is where a fail say i came from disadvantage Family ,how many of them who came from ur same situation and they make it

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