First of all I would like to thank Xstrata, Youthzones, Doctor Mabila, schalk van Heerden,Skenki, Ayanda and Tom for making the trip to the Drakensberg mountains possible. It was a good experience to have had an opportunity to engage with different people from different backgrounds and site and to learn more from others. The trip was really an eye opener to us as we the Rustenburg Site together with the Steelpoort site managed to grab with both hands the opportunities arised to us. The whole trip was based on leadership qualities,team work, good communication, perseverance, individual and collective innovation and training for future leaders and mentors in our respective communities or workplaces. It was really a challenge to all of us as it helped our thinking capacity in order to grow and also helped to have ways to tackle a situation in future or rather starting from now. The challenges we faced at the Drakensberg taught how should we face them in reality what is expected to be done in order to achieve your goals and one guy by the name of Gontse said the are many ways to kill a cat in fact he meant should somethings not go accordingly the is always another way to do to achieve. We had so many different skills from different people and we managed to combine those skills and creativity into one in order to achieve the output and at the end of the day everyone benefitted. What I liked about the trip is you have to always learn even if you think you have learnt so much. The trip made us aware of the Strength and weaknesses amongst ourself as most people managed not to bottle up and come clean with what challenges he face individually and collectivelly we helped and empowered one anonther and even some overcame their fears to successfull leadership and managed to bring that confidence back which is very imperative to have a high confidence and personality to become a great leader. We learnt about the rules of hiking, what to expect, the readiness, what to do when hiking and ways to a successful hiking by so doing we learnt that in order to reflect in a reality because our tour guider Tom once said the Artificial maps can turn into reality check so we should thoughrougly know what is the keys to success and stick to them just like interpreting the map you should know what to do in order to reach your destination. An experience without a reflection is gone so in future everytime your mentor say something to you or group, have a note book to write and grusp the important point he will be giving to you so that's my advice to us future leaders and mentor because even if how smart you are you always forgets. So guys let's fight for excellence because if you do not face your fears you can become worse so let's stand for ourselves and be better people in order to empower others so to this be a continuity. I'm glad I managed to notice my short comings and others which we will be working on in order to be great leaders. It is really good not to have a last say but tell youself that you will keep on pushing until you reach your destination. So guys "there is nothing that beats honesty and truth" said Doctor Mabila.

Thank you to the guys from Steelpoort site and Rustensburg for taking this opportunity as it came and reflecting on what they have learnt and I advice them to keep on doing well and they will harvest what they aready have planted in a long run.

Hard work pays off in the future and laziness pays off now.

Thank you Xstrata, Mr Robert Raphela and Youthzones, Mr Doctor Mabila

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Comment by SKENKI SIMON BLANGWE on November 22, 2013 at 5:59pm

We have to thank this Molongo Bra Tom: Dankie Tom

Comment by malope sdala matibidi on November 21, 2013 at 8:49pm

Thats the good message to thank youthzones,it means a lot my brother keep it up tshepo.sdala

Comment by Raymond Mashanya on November 21, 2013 at 7:08pm

Good one malwela connecting with nature and geting the chance to reflect deeper it was of good course lenyora

Comment by doctor mabila on November 21, 2013 at 10:30am

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